How to fix CPU Over Temperature Error [Complete Guide]

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A CPU (Central Processing Unit) is the brain of your computer, and it is essential to keep it running at optimal temperatures. However, sometimes, the CPU can become overheated, leading to the CPU Over Temperature Error.

This error can be caused by various factors, including poor cooling, dust and debris buildup, overclocking, thermal paste issues, and hardware failure. When your computer experiences this error, it can result in instability, random shutdowns, blue screens, and even permanent hardware damage.

Therefore, it is crucial to understand the causes of the CPU Over Temperature Error and how to fix it. In this article, we will discuss the different causes of the error, the symptoms to look out for, and the steps you can take to fix the problem. We will also provide precautionary measures to help you prevent the CPU Over Temperature Error from happening again.

Overall, understanding the CPU Over Temperature Error and how to fix it is crucial for any computer user. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can keep your CPU running at optimal temperatures and prevent damage to your computer hardware.

Causes of CPU Over Temperature Error

Poor Cooling

One of the most common causes of CPU Over Temperature Error is poor cooling. If the CPU is not properly cooled, it can quickly become overheated, leading to this error. Poor cooling can be caused by blocked or poorly placed fans, inadequate or damaged heat sinks, or insufficient thermal paste.

Blocked or poorly placed fans

Fans are essential for cooling your CPU. If they are blocked or not properly placed, they cannot do their job effectively, leading to overheating. To fix this issue, you need to clean the fans or reposition them to improve airflow.

Inadequate or damaged heat sinks

Heat sinks are designed to absorb and dissipate the heat generated by the CPU. If they are inadequate or damaged, they cannot effectively dissipate the heat, leading to overheating. You may need to replace the heat sink to fix this issue.

Insufficient thermal paste

Thermal paste is applied between the CPU and heat sink to help transfer heat away from the CPU. If there is not enough thermal paste, or if it has dried or worn out, the heat transfer will be reduced, leading to overheating. You may need to replace the thermal paste to fix this issue.

Dust and Debris Buildup

Dust and debris buildup can impact your computer’s cooling system, leading to the CPU Over Temperature Error. When dust and debris accumulate on your computer’s fans and vents, they can block airflow, leading to overheating. Dust buildup can also insulate the CPU, trapping heat and leading to overheating.

To fix this issue, you need to clean your computer regularly to remove dust and debris. You can use a can of compressed air or a vacuum cleaner to clean the fans and vents. Be careful not to damage any components while cleaning.


Overclocking is the process of increasing the clock speed of your CPU to make it run faster. However, overclocking can lead to higher temperatures, which can cause the CPU to overheat and result in the CPU Over Temperature Error.

To fix this issue, you can reduce the clock speed of your CPU to its default value or invest in better cooling systems, such as liquid cooling, to maintain optimal temperatures.

 Thermal Paste Issues

Thermal paste is a crucial component in keeping your CPU cool. If the thermal paste is dried or worn out, or if it is poorly applied, it can lead to overheating and the CPU Over Temperature Error.

To fix this issue, you may need to replace the thermal paste with a high-quality paste and make sure it is correctly applied.

Hardware Failure

Hardware failure can also cause the CPU Over Temperature Error. Failing fans or heat sinks, or a damaged motherboard or CPU, can lead to poor cooling and overheating.

To fix this issue, you may need to replace the failing components. It is essential to take your computer to a professional for diagnosis and repair to avoid further damage.

Symptoms of CPU Over Temperature Error

When your CPU is overheating, there are several symptoms to look out for. Ignoring these symptoms can lead to permanent damage to your hardware, and therefore, it’s essential to take action promptly. The following are some of the most common symptoms of the CPU Over Temperature Error:

Warning Message

When your CPU is overheating, your computer’s BIOS may display a warning message alerting you to the high temperatures. This warning message is often accompanied by a beeping sound, indicating that there is an issue with the cooling system. This warning message is a clear indication that you need to take action to prevent further damage to your hardware.

Computer Shutdown

If your CPU’s temperature continues to rise, your computer may shut down automatically to prevent damage to your hardware. While this may seem like a good thing, frequent shutdowns can cause more harm than good and can even lead to permanent damage to your computer’s hardware.

Blue Screen of Death (BSOD)

When your CPU is overheating, it can cause your computer to crash, resulting in a blue screen of death (BSOD). The BSOD is a clear indication that there is an issue with your computer’s hardware, and it needs to be fixed promptly to prevent further damage.

Unstable Performance

When your CPU is overheating, it can cause your computer to become unstable. This instability can manifest in several ways, such as frequent crashes, freezes, or the inability to open or run programs. These symptoms can lead to data loss and other problems, and therefore, it’s crucial to take action to fix the issue.

Strange Noises

When your CPU is overheating, it can cause your computer’s cooling system to work harder, leading to strange noises such as rattling or grinding sounds. These noises are a clear indication that there is an issue with your computer’s hardware, and it needs to be fixed promptly.

Steps to Fix CPU Over Temperature Error

If you are experiencing the CPU Over Temperature Error, there are several steps you can take to fix the issue. These steps are designed to address the underlying causes of the problem, such as poor cooling or dust buildup. The following are the steps you can take to fix the CPU Over Temperature Error:

Step 1: Shut Down Your Computer

The first step in fixing the CPU Over Temperature Error is to shut down your computer. This step is important to prevent further damage to your hardware and to ensure your safety while fixing the issue.

Step 2: Clean the Cooling System

Once you have shut down your computer, the next step is to clean the cooling system. Dust and debris buildup can cause poor airflow, leading to overheating. You can use a can of compressed air or a vacuum cleaner to clean the fans and vents. Be careful not to damage any components while cleaning.

  1. Clean the Fans The fans are essential for cooling your CPU. If they are blocked, they cannot do their job effectively, leading to overheating. To clean the fans, use a can of compressed air or a vacuum cleaner to remove any dust or debris.
  2. Clear the Vents The vents are designed to allow air to flow through your computer and keep it cool. If they are blocked, they cannot do their job effectively, leading to overheating. To clear the vents, use a can of compressed air or a vacuum cleaner to remove any dust or debris.
  3. Replace the Thermal Paste Thermal paste is applied between the CPU and heat sink to help transfer heat away from the CPU. If there is not enough thermal paste, or if it has dried or worn out, the heat transfer will be reduced, leading to overheating. To replace the thermal paste, you need to remove the heat sink, clean the old thermal paste off the CPU and heat sink, apply a small amount of new thermal paste, and then reattach the heat sink.

Step 3: Check the Hardware

Once you have cleaned the cooling system, the next step is to check the hardware. Failing fans or heat sinks, or a damaged motherboard or CPU, can lead to poor cooling and overheating.

  1. Check the Heatsink The heatsink is designed to absorb and dissipate the heat generated by the CPU. If it is inadequate or damaged, it cannot effectively dissipate the heat, leading to overheating. You may need to replace the heatsink to fix this issue.
  2. Check the CPU Fan The CPU fan is essential for cooling your CPU. If it is not functioning correctly, it cannot do its job effectively, leading to overheating. You may need to replace the CPU fan to fix this issue.
  3. Check the Motherboard The motherboard is the main circuit board in your computer, and it controls the communication between the different components. If it is damaged, it can lead to poor cooling and overheating. You may need to replace the motherboard to fix this issue.

 Step 4: Check the Software

Once you have checked the hardware, the next step is to check the software. Outdated or incorrect software settings can cause the CPU to overheat.

  1. Check the BIOS Settings The BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) is a program that controls the communication between the computer’s hardware and software. If the BIOS settings are incorrect, it can cause the CPU to overheat. You may need to adjust the BIOS settings to fix this issue.
  2. Update the Drivers Outdated drivers can cause the CPU to overheat. To fix this issue, you need to update the drivers for your computer’s hardware.
  3. Check for Malware. Malware can cause the CPU to overheat. To fix this issue, you need to run a malware scan using reliable antivirus software. If any malware is detected, you should remove it promptly to prevent further damage.

Step 5: Test Your Computer

Once you have completed the previous steps, the next step is to test your computer to ensure that the CPU Over Temperature Error has been fixed. You can do this by running a stress test using software such as Prime95 or AIDA64. These programs will put your CPU under heavy load, allowing you to monitor the temperature and ensure that it remains at a safe level.

If the temperature remains within safe limits during the stress test, it’s a good indication that the CPU Over Temperature Error has been fixed. However, if the temperature continues to rise, you may need to take additional steps to fix the issue.

Precautionary Measures

To prevent the CPU Over Temperature Error from happening again, it’s important to take some precautionary measures. The following are some of the precautionary measures you can take to keep your CPU running at optimal temperatures:

Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance is essential for keeping your computer running smoothly. You should clean your computer regularly to remove dust and debris from the cooling system. Additionally, you should check the hardware for any signs of damage and replace any failing components promptly.

Monitor the Temperature

Monitoring the temperature of your CPU is essential for preventing the CPU Over Temperature Error. You can use temperature monitoring software to monitor the temperature of your CPU and adjust the cooling system accordingly. This will help you keep your CPU running at optimal temperatures and prevent damage to your hardware.

Avoid Overclocking

Overclocking can cause the CPU to overheat and lead to the CPU Over Temperature Error. Therefore, it’s important to avoid overclocking your CPU. If you need more processing power, you can upgrade your hardware or invest in better cooling systems.

Invest in Quality Cooling Systems

Investing in quality cooling systems can help prevent the CPU Over Temperature Error. You can upgrade your computer’s cooling system by adding more fans or investing in liquid cooling. This will help you keep your CPU running at optimal temperatures and prevent damage to your hardware.

Use Your Computer in a Cool Environment

The temperature of the environment in which your computer is located can affect its performance. If your computer is in a hot environment, it may struggle to maintain optimal temperatures, leading to the CPU Over Temperature Error. Therefore, it’s important to use your computer in a cool environment.


The CPU Over Temperature Error is a common problem that can lead to instability, random shutdowns, blue screens, and even permanent hardware damage. However, understanding the causes of the problem, the symptoms to look out for, and the steps you can take to fix it is essential for any computer user.

The causes of the CPU Over Temperature Error can range from poor cooling, dust and debris buildup, overclocking, thermal paste issues, and hardware failure. It’s important to identify the underlying cause of the problem and take appropriate steps to fix it.

Symptoms of the CPU Over Temperature Error include warning messages, computer shutdowns, blue screens of death (BSOD), unstable performance, and strange noises. It’s important to pay attention to these symptoms and take prompt action to prevent further damage to your hardware.

Steps to fix the CPU Over Temperature Error include shutting down your computer, cleaning the cooling system, checking the hardware, and checking the software. It’s important to follow these steps carefully to avoid further damage to your hardware.

Precautionary measures to prevent the CPU Over Temperature Error include regular maintenance, monitoring the temperature, avoiding overclocking, investing in quality cooling systems, and using your computer in a cool environment. By taking these precautionary measures, you can keep your CPU running at optimal temperatures and prevent damage to your hardware.

In conclusion, understanding the CPU Over Temperature Error and how to fix it is crucial for any computer user. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can keep your CPU running at optimal temperatures and prevent damage to your computer hardware.

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